Saturday, November 23, 2019
Spanish Expressions of Frequency
Spanish Expressions of Frequency How often do you study Spanish? Never? Once a day? Always? Regardless, sooner or later youll need to be able to answer such a question. Here are some, but certainly not all, of the common ways that Spanish indicates how often an event occurs: nunca, jams (never) Examples: Nunca te olvidarà ©. (I will never forget you.) En mi casa jams comemos carne. (In my house we never eat meat.) casi nunca, casi jams (almost never) Examples: Casi nunca te he dicho que eres bella. (I have almost never told you that youre beautiful.) En el norte de Chile, donde casi jams llueve, la situacià ³n es diferente. (In northern Chile, where it almost never rains, the situation is different.) raras veces, raramente (seldom) Examples: Estos efectos secundarios raras veces son severos. (These secondary effects are seldom severe.) Raramente pensamos en lo que tenemos. (We seldom think about what we have.) de vez en cuando, ocasionalmente, a veces (occasionally, at times, sometimes, from time to time) Examples: Es posible que de vez en cuando nuestras pginas tengan enlaces a sitios de terceros. (It is possible that sometimes our pages have links to third-party sites.) Le recomendamos que visite esta pgina ocasionalmente para verificar si est disponible. (We recommend that you visit this page occasionally in order to verify that it is available.) A veces ocurre. (Sometimes it happens.) a menudo, frecuentemente, con frecuencia (frequently, often) Examples: El cncer de piel ms mortal a menudo no se diagnostica. (The most deadly type of skin cancer is often not diagnosed.) La oficina de correos de Jerusalà ©n recibe frecuentemente cartas dirigidas a Dios. (The post office in Jerusalem often receives letters sent to God.) Estos medicamentos con frecuencia se vuelven menos efectivos con el paso del tiempo.) (These medicines often become less effective over time. cada ____ (each ____ ) Examples: Te ofrecemos cada dà a 25 fotos. (Each day we offer you 25 photos.) Este sitio se actualiza cada semana. (This site is updated each week.) todos los ____, todas las ____ (every - ) Examples: La vacuna se prepara todos los aà ±os. (The vaccine is prepared every year.) Todas las noches yo estaba listo. (Every night I was ready.) casi siempre (almost always) Example: Casi siempre estoy pensando en ti. (I am almost always thinking about you.) siempre, en todo caso (always, in every case) Examples: Siempre vamos a estar con ellos. (We always go to be with them.) En todo caso, los nià ±os debe hacer el deporte que ms le guste. (Children should always do the sport they like best.)
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